Prom 44 with David

25 March 2020

Such a beautiful day at the Prom!
Only day visitors from 7 am to 7 pm. We bumped into the ranger who was sweeping the track and evacuating the campers. Best job in the world at the moment!

We also bumped into an elderly (maybe not that old but older than us) couple, they were anchored in Refuge Cove with their catamaran and on their way to New Caledonia (if they could leave the country) along the coast – on a leisurely hike… best life!! I wanna be one of these when I grow old! Maybe shouldn’t wait until I grow old.

I checked out Mt Ramsay – always wanted to do this. It’s a discretely signed track (pink tape), quite rough. Didn’t go all the way to the top, because one of the rocks looked like a problem coming down. Anyway, the beginning of the track is a landmine of shit and used toilet paper, but the view is priceless!

I was struggling with the uphills, especially when combined with sand, still not recovered from Razorback. They felt very hard, not that much in the legs, but more in the trunk. Thankfully, my companion was very patient with me – thank you David.

I have been practicing the “be present” mantra for most of the day. What that did to me was that I was able to run effortlessly. It worked on the flats and most of the downhills. On the more technical downhills I was mindful of the still recovering ACL and my proprioception still not being 100%.

Landing on the ball of my feet felt light and easy. In spite of all my efforts to be present, I did loose concentration, tripped and took two falls that ended me covered with dirt and leaves. Hit my knees, my tummy, my right ISIS. Right shoulder and lower arm scratched. Had to wash my arms off at the next beach.

There were lots of “look at that coulour!!” along these 45 kms and also “how lucky we are to be here?!” We also took a lot of pictures – at least I did.

Saw two snakes between Oberon Bay and Lt Oberon Bay. I ran by the first one obliviously when David told me. We’ve been talking about this – people running by snakes and not even noticing them… I must have been tired by then, because I usually look. And I usually look hard for snakes.